Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Yoga and Bones

There are seven main tissues (known as 'Dhatus' in ancient time) recognized by Ayurveda. According to Ancient Ayurveda these all tissues are formed in following sequence:-

  • Rasa (The nutrient fluid derived from food)
  • Rakta (Blood)
  • Mamsa (Muscle)
  • Meda (Fat)
  • Asthi (Bone)
  • Majja (Bone Marrow)
  • Shukra (Reproductive Fluid)

Respectively these all main tissues are produced by our body. The time frame of becoming per tissue is approximate 8 days. Tissues are made by our foods whatever we eat. I always think that this body is full of mysteries. Whatever given to us is full of enigmas. 

In all tissues, there is one tissue called “Bone”. It is the most important and tough living things which give us shape. Without this we are not able to move, sit etc. Bone gives us a spectacular look to our body. It allows keeping well on its place of our all body organs. In short without it we are like an ‘Octopus’ who has no any shape.

As the BONE is most important of our body, we have to take care of it’s by proper diet and yoga. North Shore Yoga gives a proper stretch to all of our organs and bones too. It makes our bone flexible so the broken chances are very less. It will strengthen your whole bones and nourish your bone marrow. Yoga also improves and maintains your Cartilage and Synovial fluids responsible for easy and comfortable movements as today the main common problem - ‘Arthritis’ is occurring day by day.

Our body says us every time to awake and do something else for it but none of us are responding at all! We are busy with our schedule with late night party, addiction of fast foods, improper daily routine and lack of exercise. So in last we all are trapped with various diseases. At that time we have only one solution for limited time of relaxation is medicine.

Life is too short so live the life with full of joy by doing yoga regularly. Yoganic - promises to all that you all will get health prosperity and it is much valuable than money prosperity because - “YOU ARE ABLE TO ENJOY THE LIFE!”

Refer Yoga Chatswood to get our classes address.