Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yoga and Children in Sydney

Children age is the best part of our life. This age is also known as growing age. During this age parents should have to take care of their children by proper diet, well balanced nutrition, Education etc. Most of children are not performing well on their studies and in play due to lack of improper diet. Proper diet and nutrition gives necessary amount of Calories, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals.


These factors are very necessary, especially in child age. These all sources will help to develop the body during teen age:-

  • Carbohydrate helps to energies the body.
  • Proteins helps body to energies muscles, helps in growth and repair of damaged tissues.
  • Fats – It is also known as stored energy which will use as large scale of physical activity in future by body.
  • Vitamins – Without vitamins, our body processes cannot be done and also helps to develop our bone and teeth during child age.
  • Minerals including Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium etc are also very much necessary for body.

Another most essential and very important factor to develop body during child age is “YOGA”. Above mentioned factor is necessary in your kids diet for body growth but in case of Yoga, It will give you flexibility, concentration, stronger immune, makes you stronger 10 times more than your nutrition, give you sharper intellect to perform very well in plays and studies. Here at Kids Yoga Sydney – we introduced yoga through various stories, journey, music and plays which makes children enjoyable and ready to do. Also we recommend you about what type of nutrition should have provided to your kids. 

We believe that the future of our nation is depending on our kids, “The more they are growing, and the nation will develop”!

We are also specialized in Mums and Bubs Yoga program.