Yoga is "preventative medicine" for children and adults. Yet the world does not embrace preventative action. Just look at hunger, global warming, health care, and poverty. Now you see that some people do take action, but many do not.
Educating the public about the many benefits, which children experience from Yoga practice, is a full-time job for some Kids Yoga teachers. Although most of the public thinks of Yoga postures as a "mild" form of exercise; there are many more different aspects to Yoga practice.
Yoga is a complete holistic approach to health. Kids Yoga teaches proper breathing, dieting, exercise, meditation, relaxation techniques, and many more natural solutions to health problems.
Kids Yoga and Ayurvedic medicine have dieting practices based upon a person's constitution or dosha. This same classification can be made for exercise routines. An Ayurvedic doctor will, most likely, recommend specific exercises based upon a patient's dosha.
The entire approach of Kids Yoga and Ayurveda is based upon preventative measures. There are also solutions for "damage control," when a person has an existing ailment, but any doctor can agree that many of today's health problems are preventable.
Let's look at global obesity. The public is very tired of hearing about obesity. Your spam filters are working overtime to pull all of the "Instant weight loss" methods out of your Email box. If you read through the spam, you will notice that spammers want to sell you pills, not permanent solutions to obesity. The spammer's approach is to make quick money off the public.
When the majority of our population refuses to exercise, the easy money is in selling pills, instant weight loss, and "snake oil." There is a solution, but most of us will not like it. Yogic diets are full of fruit, vegetables, and natural food. Even in India, it can be observed that diabetes is on the rise, when people eat "junk food."
What does this have to do with Yoga for kids? Yoga is a lifestyle and the earlier you expose children to good health habits, the better your child's health will be.
As parents, we have many choices, but establishing good health habits, within our children, is an obligation. We also have to eat properly, and exercise, with our children. If you cannot go to a Kids Yoga class, you can always take your child out for a walk. Parents are role models, and any child will copy the image, which you create for him or her.
Yoga for children are a parent's gift of good health. Kids Yoga gives a better chance to develop good habits, handle stress, find natural solutions to good health, and live a quality life.
For more details about Kids Yoga, Yoga for Beginners, Yoga for Children visit our official website: Yoganic
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