Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Yoga for Kids: Holistic Approach to the Health of Our Children

Yoga is "preventative medicine" for children and adults. Yet the world does not embrace preventative action. Just look at hunger, global warming, health care, and poverty. Now you see that some people do take action, but many do not.

Educating the public about the many benefits, which children experience from Yoga practice, is a full-time job for some Kids Yoga teachers. Although most of the public thinks of Yoga postures as a "mild" form of exercise; there are many more different aspects to Yoga practice.

Yoga is a complete holistic approach to health. Kids Yoga teaches proper breathing, dieting, exercise, meditation, relaxation techniques, and many more natural solutions to health problems.

Kids Yoga and Ayurvedic medicine have dieting practices based upon a person's constitution or dosha. This same classification can be made for exercise routines. An Ayurvedic doctor will, most likely, recommend specific exercises based upon a patient's dosha.

The entire approach of Kids Yoga and Ayurveda is based upon preventative measures. There are also solutions for "damage control," when a person has an existing ailment, but any doctor can agree that many of today's health problems are preventable.

Let's look at global obesity. The public is very tired of hearing about obesity. Your spam filters are working overtime to pull all of the "Instant weight loss" methods out of your Email box. If you read through the spam, you will notice that spammers want to sell you pills, not permanent solutions to obesity. The spammer's approach is to make quick money off the public.

When the majority of our population refuses to exercise, the easy money is in selling pills, instant weight loss, and "snake oil." There is a solution, but most of us will not like it. Yogic diets are full of fruit, vegetables, and natural food. Even in India, it can be observed that diabetes is on the rise, when people eat "junk food."

What does this have to do with Yoga for kids? Yoga is a lifestyle and the earlier you expose children to good health habits, the better your child's health will be.

As parents, we have many choices, but establishing good health habits, within our children, is an obligation. We also have to eat properly, and exercise, with our children. If you cannot go to a Kids Yoga class, you can always take your child out for a walk. Parents are role models, and any child will copy the image, which you create for him or her.

Yoga for children are a parent's gift of good health. Kids Yoga gives a better chance to develop good habits, handle stress, find natural solutions to good health, and live a quality life.

For more details about  Kids Yoga, Yoga for Beginners, Yoga for Children visit our official website: Yoganic

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Benefits of Baby Yoga

Many brand-new mothers look for a gentle exercise class that will not only help them ease their post-pregnancy bodies back into shape, but will also improve their posture and flexibility while giving them back some pre-baby physical confidence. But finding quality childcare while they waltz off to the gym for an hour or two is not always feasible - either practically or financially.

Baby yoga classes are a fun way for both baby and parent to interact.

Wouldn't it be great to find a class where both mother and baby are welcome, one that actually encourages the child to participate and thus facilitates parent-child bonding at the same time? Well, mother and baby yoga classes are designed to do just that. In fact, studies have shown that the more a tiny baby is touched, the more secure and loved he or she feels. And the more a woman gets back to her pre-baby shape after giving birth, the better she feels as well.

Baby yoga, therefore, can be a win-win situation for everyone. But if the thought of attending any class that begins with the words "Mommy and Me" makes you want to retch, look away now. However, if you have the stomach for a Mommy and Me baby yoga class - and most new moms have big tummies indeed - then this could be the perfect exercise course for you.

Baby Yoga Basics

Forcing two-month-old Arabella or tiny Tristan to do complicated yoga poses might put you off, so think again. Baby yoga is designed with both child and mom in mind, and aims to have both perform safe, gentle exercises that are calming, relaxing and stress-free. Neither parent nor child has to do anything that is too difficult or beyond their abilities: the goal is to go at a gentle, soothing pace, with lots of breaks for feeding, sleeping or screaming.

Classes concentrate on breathing, meditation, stretching and achieving basic yoga postures, which are designed to give new moms inner balance and help them build up their strength after they have given birth. Often the muscles used in childbirth are the ones concentrated on the most, such as the pelvic floor area, the shoulders and the upper back.

The idea is to prepare women for more intense yoga classes once their children are a bit older - and to help the baby not only sleep and eat better, but to feel better overall. Holding your child as you perform the yoga exercises will help the time go by quicker - and helping him or her to do some basic postures, such as the knees to chest pose, can make them feel more comfortable and calm as well.

What to Expect

Baby Yoga classes usually take babies from age six to eight weeks until they begin to crawl, depending on the class. Very young infants are usually incorporated into the exercises themselves, with the adults holding them or exercising over them. The key is to follow your baby's lead: often smaller babies sleep while the mother exercises; when they get a bit older they can actually begin to participate.

Yoga is good for new mothers for a variety of reasons. It not only increases flexibility, movement and the heart rate, all of which are important for shedding that pesky baby weight, but it also restores the alignment of the body, helping to put muscles, tendons and ligaments back into place following the previous nine months of pregnancy. Finally, it helps reduce stress, which any new mother knows is an integral part of new motherhood.

Yoga followers say that even tiny children can perform basic yoga postures (see above), which can help them sleep better, digest their food better and be happier overall. "Physically, one short yoga session is the equivalent of being carried and touched all day. At the end of the day your baby will sleep more deeply and healthfully," the It's a Mom's World website proclaims.

"Developmentally, your baby's internal organs will be stimulated, improving the function of the nervous and digestive systems. Psychologically, the baby learns to cope better with stress and enhances the mother-child bond which increases communication between them.

"Yoga is a perfect way to spend quality time with your baby. Babies' in-born love and physical need for movement and touch are combined naturally in the practice of yoga movements, positions and stretches. The pace is slow and concentrated, which is perfect for the baby's ability to integrate and absorb. Go yoga - and have fun with your baby!"

What to Bring

To get the most of your yoga session, make sure you have the following on hand:

Yoga mat. Real yoga mats are best and they are fairy cheap - get one at a good sporting goods store.

Comfortable clothes for you and your baby. This is not a time to dress up little Tiffany Marie to show off to all the other moms, nor is it the right place to squeeze yourself into tight-fitting Spandex workout gear that you last fit into way back in 1988. Wear something that you can move around in - without worrying if it will split!

Drinks for both you and the baby. Don't ruin the moment by allowing you or Junior to get dehydrated. Make sure you have food - or a breast - on hand as well if Junior is likely to need a feed during the yoga session.

Baby massage items. Baby yoga classes often incorporate a bit of baby massage into the class. You will need a cloth or blanket to lie the baby on and some massage oil - olive oil works best.

Diapers. Unless your little genius is toilet-trained by six months, take a few more with than you normally would. If you expose Junior to the open air during a massage, he may wet himself - and you don't want to be caught short.

Blankets. Sometimes babies fall asleep during yoga, which gives their mothers time to have a work-out without any interference. Make sure you bring either a blanket or something equally comfortable to lie your baby down on should he or she actually fall asleep. Don't waste the moment!

To get more details about  Baby Yoga, Yoga for Beginners, Kids Yoga, Yoga for Children visit our official website: Yoganic 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yoga and Children

Yoga for Children is great, the combination of special yoga moves, breathing exercises and relaxations will energize, strengthen, loosen and balance little bodies, while helping to calm and control and relax little minds. Regular attendance provides a wonderful opportunity for the child to learn life skills that can be incorporated into their daily routine.

The skills they improve take place across a very wide range they are all useful and almost all are uniquely well taught within yoga, from breathing and relaxation techniques, helping the child to focus, concentrate or be calm, and this extends into postures that will help their endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination.

Yoga for children is most successful if the children are encouraged to use their imagination. A dynamic, creative and stimulating approach grabs the children's attention.

Kids get to prowl, growl and wiggle through yoga animal poses from Alligator to Zebra! Certified Kids yoga instructors are available, and they are well able to introduce stretching, breathing, standing poses and simple meditation to their young pupils.

Kids yoga also provides away into the psyche of children who are harder to reach and may not respond well to less physically based tuition, although we do apply our creed which states that every child has an good heart down inside them. There is a great capability within yoga to allow a child to deal with daily stress, and this speaks very deeply to them. Kids need a way to manage all of their stress and anxiety and yoga definitely helps in buckets with that. It is not healthy for a child to feel so much anxiety over any given situation and thank heavens for yoga to be able to match the challenge.

Yoga for children is certainly one way to ensure that our children grow up healthy and happy. There many schools of yoga. For example, the principles Yama and Niyama reinforce the universal values such as Truth, Non-violence, Cleanliness and contentment. The Asanas help a growing child develop physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Yoga for children comprises of dynamic movements, postures, breathing exercises and meditations and many more. Is it any surprise that the easy and simple stages of yoga tuition for children has proved to help the attention-deficit and hyperactive child far more than you would expect..
At its best yoga for children employs varied imaginative exercises, games, stretches, relaxation and breathing techniques to enable your children to become more confident and more aware of themselves and their bodies.

Through Yoga they are also encouraged to think in a caring, sharing way about each other and the world around them.

Yoga for children should always be at its simplest level a safe, fun and easy stretching class using the principles of yoga. Each class teaches the participants about the benefits of physical activity, how the body functions and the importance of posture and balance.

Children could start learning yoga from the age of five. Initially, it could be a session of fifteen to twenty minutes that could be gradually increased to thirty minutes for older children.

For more details about  Yoga for Children, Kids Yoga, Yoga for Beginners, Prenatal yoga Sydney visit our official website: Yoganic